Our Vision is education with liberty and justice for all.
We do this by offering an inspiring environment to nurture and challenge our leaders so they have the imagination and stamina to transform public education.
We do this so more children can flourish, we believe that a learning and expanding ecosystem of nonprofit public schools is essential. We focus on developing leaders from this sector and providing a place for them to reflect, reconnect & reenergize.
We believe, to drive change within the educational system, our leaders must achieve greater personal awareness. Reflection creates the awareness that enables them to make this possible and realize outcomes that matter.
We believe our leaders need a forum to connect with each other to build long-term relationships, grow their perspective, share knowledge, and engage in activities that can lead to ideas that unlock ways to achieve our vision.
We believe the health and welfare of our leaders is of the utmost importance. They face tremendous challenges daily and their energy can have a significant impact on their teams and communities they serve. Lone Rock provides our leaders an environment to refresh their energy levels and reignite their life’s passion.

reflect | reconnect | reenergize
Contact us.
(303) 532-4662
Lone Rock Foundation
64797 US HIGHWAY 285
PO BOX 54 Bailey, CO 80421